Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting (SEC) was engaged by the Long Beach City Auditor’s Office to perform an independent performance audit of the City of Long Beach (City) onboarding program’s policies and procedures. In general, onboarding entails two essential phases: first are the pre-employment steps leading to hiring a new employee; and second are the post-employment activities that occur after the new employee’s first day. Overall, our review of the City’s post-employment onboarding activities found some positive areas, such as the City’s multifaceted approach to providing information to new employees and some best practices in place including the citywide New Employee Orientation (NEO), but we also found there is some room for improvement for employee attendance to the NEO and for improved consistencies in post-employment onboarding policies and procedures across departments, especially in regards to functional job training and professional development.
The full report can be found here.