The Office of the Controller (Controller), City Services Auditor (CSA), Audits Division, hired Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting, Inc., to assess contractor compliance with the San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 14B, Local Business Enterprise (LBE) Utilization and Non Discrimination in Contracting Ordinance. The audit assessed whether the three selected contractors and two joint ventures disclosed all subcontractors, met their LBE participation commitments, submitted all required CMD forms, and whether contracts were adequately monitored for LBE compliance. The audit found that all prime contractors and subcontractors were appropriately LBE-certified, as applicable, but two of the three prime contractors and one of the two joint ventures in our sample did not fully comply with certain LBE provisions of Administrative Code Chapter 14B. The full report can be found here.

California American Water Company Balancing Accounts Audit
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC or Commission) Utility Audits