
Performance Audit of Stanfield Elementary School District


The Arizona Auditor General engaged Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting, Inc. to conduct a performance audit of Stanfield Elementary School District, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §41-1279.03(A)(9), and determine the District’s efficiency and effectiveness in 4 operational areas—administration, plant operations and maintenance, food service, and transportation—and its compliance with certain State requirements. We found that the District did not comply with important requirements and recommended practices in various areas, including travel reimbursements, accounts payables, and payroll, increasing the risk for errors, fraud, and improper payments. Additionally, we identified various information technology (IT) deficiencies that increased the District’s risk for unauthorized access to sensitive District information and data loss. Finally, the District did not fully comply with annual school bus driver drug testing requirements and did not maintain all required school bus driver records, increasing risks to student safety.

The full report can be found here.

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