The Arizona Auditor General contracted Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting to conduct a performance audit and sunset review of the Arizona Governor’s Regulatory Review Council (Council). This performance audit and sunset review assessed processes for meeting its statutory responsibilities to review (1) new rules or rule amendments proposed by Arizona State agencies and (2) each agency’s existing rules every 5 years on a rotating basis to ensure that such rules are still necessary and effective. We found that the Council took steps to meet some statutory responsibilities we reviewed but did not always notify agencies as required of 5-year review report deadlines, increasing the risk that ineffective or unnecessary rules remained in effect, and although it approved or denied proposed agency rulemaking packages we reviewed within statutorily required time frames, it lacked a process to track its compliance with these requirements and did not comply with some open meeting law requirements for executive sessions. The full report can be found here.

California American Water Company Balancing Accounts Audit
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC or Commission) Utility Audits